Saturday, September 22, 2007
●记得米老鼠和唐老鸭吗?片头说,"啊,演出开始了!"我听了好久,一直以为他说,"啊,野猪拉屎了!" ●《济公》里唱:"哪里有不平哪有我."太对了,地上哪里不平,当然会有"窝"了!
●第一次在听童安格《耶利安女郎》时,竟听成"……野驴呀,神秘野驴呀……"纳闷儿了好一阵子! ●要说吐字不清,首推周杰伦,他一首歌里哼哼:"小贱人,小贱人,小贱人,小贱人,小贱人,小贱人……"我一听那个爽,也跟着唱,被女友痛骂后才知道,那兄唱的是"周杰伦,周杰伦,周杰伦……"还有管自己叫小贱人的?
2:41 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Well, I have been reading the news papers and found pictures of stars nad news about them. My friends also have their idol but that set me thinking: If they (people) got bored with the songs or movies that their idols do or if they listened to another song or seen another movie which is better than the 1 that their idol did, wouldn't they got a "new" star instead n keep new pictures of their idol?Well, what I'll do is not have any idols but i will enjoy the songs n movies act or sang by the stars. Not like people get alot of pistures autographs and then they got bored with it then keep them somewhere than have another idol. Idols are also humans with feelings, if we just like keep every thing that have them on then got bored with it then put them away, it's the same as dumping a friend.So guys, don't treat stars as stars.Agree?
7:27 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Go to this link (below) to watch the funny video: video is super funny! So hope u guys anjoy it! ^.^
8:56 PM

Here are some fun and educative sites that i know:
Hope you guys enjoy traveling the net! ^.^
7:43 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Hey guys!
This is the first time i'm having a blog so hope u people don't mind about the spelling errors n if there is anything u guys want me to change, please coment so that i can change it. ^.^
Any ways, i must also introduce myself! lol To tell u people the truth, my name is Angel. i'm a christian so that explains y i have the name. I'm a girl n i love arts n science. I can draw really well (I'm not boasting!!) n i learn guitar too! And i LOVE anime pictures!!! As u guys can see, that picture (right) is 1 of the 100+ anime images i have! lol I'm working hard for my coming examinations so if you people have some tips on how to get good results and keeping calm before the examination start, please, please TELL ME!! I serioucely need help on that.
Oh, i almost forgot about my hobies! I LOVE to draw. some times at home when i'm free, i draw in my secret scetch book. i really drew alot of pictures and some are kinda "loving" (not the "dirty" kind!!)I love music too! Sometimes, when i got nothing to do, i listen to music on . I also play the guitar as i sing! lol (my singing is not that good... =P )
Anyways, i kinda ran out of ideas so guys, PLEASE COMENT so that i can get better on this blog thing. ^.^
Oh, n i need help in puting music too! ^.^
Labels: Start off
5:11 PM