Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Many people think that forgiving is just forgeting one's sin. Well no, our Savior is not just simply forgeting sin, as is suggested by the naive cliche "forgive and forget." Often such an idea gains credence by quoting the biblical idea that God "forgeets" our sins. That language is certainly used, for example, in Hebrews 10:17, Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more. But we must not misread that to mean that our sins are somehow earased from God's memory.
God didn't forget our sins; He recorded them so that all future generations would know about them and learn from them.
So when God says that He does not remember our sins, it means that He does not remember it againts us, that He does not treat us on the basis of our sins.
Blue = Bible verse
Red = Important
8:22 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
PSLE is over...School days are over...Prize giving day is over... What's next is a greater challange. But let's go for the holidays and be happy!! But will I? My friends are gone, they have their own targets, many things still awaits...Will our friendship last? Will we see each other again? Will we hang out and play games like we use to? Will we do the camp fire again like the camp nights we had? Will we cry as we see our results of the exam like we use to? Will we be friends forever?
To tell you the truth, I'm crying as i write this post. Every time i think about school, i'll cry just a little. Anyways, enough of the crying. It's time we step out a achieve our goals. But one big question...
Will our friendship last forever?
11:26 AM