Sunday, January 13, 2008
On 6 jan 2008, i baptised. Baptisiam is a very important thing for christians cause on that day, your old self will be crusifide and a new bedining is started. You'll live a life victoriously with God's presence and learning just turned into a fun thing for me. Although I fall into temtation, but the Lord will always give me a path to escape from the temtation. The Lord often teach me through the bible or some christian books like Our Daily Bread. I experianced God's love more often now. Our Lord is the most wonderful Father in the universe. Our Father is the creator of Heaven n Earth. I love him and will obey him always. A prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for every thing that has happened to me, for loving me, for teaching me. Father, please give me the strength to overcome the tamptation and walk towards You. Bless every one in the world and let the see Your light. In Jesus name, amen.
2:02 PM