Thursday, May 29, 2008
Another day when I'm depressed,
Once more I pray to God.
The tears that I have shed,
My heart has broken down...
Once more I pray to God,
To take away all my pain.
Once more I look up to Him,
Once more I pray.
Today I sing as I shed my tears,
Today I opened my heart to Him.
He saw my broken heart,
He saw me cry.
Now my tears are gone,
The pain is gone.
Once more I pray,
To thank the Lord.
I look up to Him,
He sees my eyes.
I speak to Him,
He hears my voice.
God listens,
He really do.
10:53 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Because of God,
We can face tomorrow.
Because of God,
We are free.
Because of God,
We have talents.
Because of God,
We can love.
Because of God,
We are here.
Because of God,
We are not alone.
Because of God,
We give thanks.
Because of God,
We are blessed.
All are from God!
All He created!
Praise the Lord!
Thank the Lord!
3:39 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
June is here!
Holidays arived!
A month to rest,
A month to play!
No more school,
No more work.
But let us not forget,
The teachers have a plan
Homeworks posted,
Sent and listed.
Much to do,
Much to learn.
Exams are back,
When is June is gone.
Works are back,
More to learn.
Working hard,
A key to sucess
So during June,
Lets learn more!
10:22 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008
Today i went for the parent teachers meeting to get my results for the first semester. It was good but i was a little bit nervouse but it was fun. My friends and I were crowding around to take a look at each other's report slip. Well, I did promise you guys that I will tell you my results (Not in numbers, but in grades)... So here goes! ^0^ English Language: B4
Chinese Language: C5
Mathematics: A2
Science: A1
Geography: B3
History: B3
English Literature: A1
Design & Technology: A2
Home Economics: A1
Visual Arts: A2
These results are the combination of the mid-year examination and the first term examination. I think i will work harder for the final- year examination and the second term examination because they are the most important exams through out the whole year. But well, thank God that I did well, I'm so glad that i passed my math and chinese this time!
(highest A1 - E8 lowest)
10:01 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
The path of God,
I will walk.
His light of glory,
I bow before.
His gift of love,
I received
The wind of forgiveness,
I repent
The love of God,
never ends;
Day and night,
I will pray.
Forever I
Will walk His path;
A victorious life,
I will live.
8:02 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Finally I got my results back, but not all of them. I only have my chinese, english, math a science results with me at the moment. But i admit that it is rather embarrasing to tell you guys the scores, so I'm just gonna tell you the grades. :p
I will start from the worst to the best. First, i got a C5 for chinese. Then, i got B4 for english, and B3 for math. Then.................................................................................................... A1 FOR SCIENCE!!!! WOOT!!!Yup, i totally freaked out when i saw those numbers(i meant the score)! Man, i was jumping around in class like a hyper monkey who ate too much candies. xD But i can't say the same for chinese... i almost failed. But thank God that i passed because of some easy words. :p And i have to admit, i did freaked out when i saw that i have passed chinese! The first ever time in my secondary school life. I mean, I have been failing all the tests since I entered this school. But well, it's all ok now. All i have to do is to just wait for next week to come then I will see how well i have done for the rest of the subjects. That is geography, english literature and history. May God bless me... :oHighest A1 - E8 Lowest
3:25 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Sorry for not posting anything for a long time. I've been busy preparing for my mid-year examinations. I hope you guys understand and had blessed days.. or rather months. After all these yough time studying, it finally paid off. I find that all the papers are easy and can be done but only without careless mistakes. Although I have some questions which I don't know how to answer, I think I will pass the exam.
For that month I also have a hard time with some of my friends but thank God that it turn out alright. And we are still friends but all I have to say is that watch out for liars and predators on the internet. I have a tip for everyone, never to have online relationships as it will never last long, it hurts and the other person may be lying the whole time. You can't trust them 100% as people just lie too much. I think that people should learn to stop lying so that they can gain the trust of other people and the friendship will get better. Lying is also a sin.
I have also gained a new hobby besides drawing manga, it is writing poems. Some are just in my diary but some I can post it out here. Please comment on them so I can improve on it. Ever since I learn literature in secondary schools, I fell in love with poems. I feel so relaxed and calm when i am reading one. Making them also removes my stress and bad moods. That is why some of them I worte are very emotional as i "left all my sadness" in the poem.
But for now I have to rest for church tomorrow, just like it is every Sunday. May you people have a blessed day.
5:19 PM