Thursday, January 29, 2009
Well i just got home from the movies and it's the best movie outting yet with my classmates. At least it's better than last year when people are screaming and shouting and yelling in the theatre... Which is totally childish for 13 year old people!! Well, I watched tThe Spiderwick Chronicles last year and this year, it's Inkheart.
We're watching this as a class it's because of a literature program for literature lesson. The exam questions are based on the movie. Well.. Not really an examination but it is a test. Anyway, It was nice cause' people are much quiet.. apart from a bunch of rediculous monkeys who clapped their hands and talked loudly. Seriously, they repeated the same mistake twice and no one cared about it!! But at least it's better than last year.. WAY better.. You don't wanna know what happened last year.. Seriously, you DO NOT want to know...
Finally the movie is over, we all got out like some school owning the mall!! We're running all around, "invading" shops and food courts. I basicly just went to look around for books and went straight home. I am a good girl or am I not? Nah just kidding, I have my evil days...
Random Conversation...
Dave: Oh look at her ass!
Chris: What? Oh, well I dare you to buttrape her!
Dave: No I can't do that.. She might rape me back
Chris: Coward lil chicken~
The random fat girl they were looking at: You two look awefully delicious,
may I rape both of you please?
Dave: What the...?
Chris: Run!!!
6:01 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The first day with the new comers of my wonderful wonderful Art Club of my school turns out to be wonderful. Though things turn out to be a lil quiet but it's ok, cause we all get to enjoy ourselves in the end. My teacher says that we're gonna do 3D stain glass work for this year. We're also gonna do claw works and also many activities coming.
My teacher-in-charge promise us that there will be musium visits, sculpture walks and so on. Many activities are coming this year and I cannot wait to enjoy myself for another year with the Art Club.
Finally, the school is planning on making us work harder this year as it is a critical year for a secondary 2 student. We are going to be splitting classes next yer according to the subjects we are taking. I seriously hope i can get into a good class next year and go into Junior Collage.
Also I hope that the secondary 1 students will continue to work hard just like how they did for PSLE last year. May God bless all and have a sucessful year ahead.
Random saying~
Gain respect from people by respecting them.
7:25 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
Mom's been retarded lately, I mean, she has this very ridiculous mood swing. She's acting like a bomb that will blow up anytime.. Real freaky, I must say. Seriously, she's happy when she comes home and the next second she's shouting at me like a mad woman!!
It's crazy!! I have to listen to her nag and yell at me every night!! I'm lucky that the rest of the day is fine cause I'm alone at home and no one is there to bother me. I can do whatever i want in peace! (not in a naughty way lol.. I'm no brat..) Anyway, I don't have much things to say today so yea, have a happy Lunar New Year~ May God bless you and have a sucessful year ahead.
Random Saying..
Pregnant ladies are like bombs that will blow up amytime.. One second they are calm and happy.. The next second they are fuckin retarded... (no offence LOL)
9:13 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I've been getting alot of annoying phone calls lately. It really, really, pisses me off. Seriously, why can't some people be more considerate to one another?
There are many kinds of annoying calls. One of them is the advertising one. When someone unknown just randomly calls you, and you have no idea how he or she get your number!! They just randomly call you and tells you about this produck or this event or what so ever. And you still have no idea how in the world did they get your number. They don't even tell you what company they were from. Probably some random annoying, seriously annoying and time consuming prankcall.
The other kind is when people can't stop calling you. They just call and call like they never call a person in their lives before. I mean seriously, I understand if that person wanted a request or anything but why can't they just be thoughtful enough to note it all down then tell me all at once? There is absolutly no need to waste time and money just to call me multiple times and then I get annoyed then money and time are wasted!
The last one I know is the deadly silent call. They just call you out of no reason at all and then when you pick up, nothing. I would be like, "Hello? Hello?? TALK TO ME YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!" then hang up. And then they start calling me again. I mean, the phone is invented so you can talk to another person without having to yell or spend your time writing mails then mail it to another place which takes a very long time.
Seriously, people just love to use a phone to make crazy prankcalls that wastes money and time!! What kind of idiot are these people anyway? I do understad that some people forgot to lock up the keypad of the phone and they accidently press it in their pockets or bags. But please, make a small effort to lock up your keypad and DON'T EVER MAKE ANOTHER FUCKING ANNOYING CALL THAT PISSES ME OFF AGAIN!!
Random Equationz~~
Alone = me + 0 poeple
Alone = me
8:54 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009
School started already time flies so quickly. Everything is back to normal and my daily life routine is also back to school mode. Seriously, it's like, morning wake up at 6am come back at 3pm or later, games, chatting, homework, studay, eat, bathe, sleep and everything repeats the next day. It's like a boring video of someone's boring daily lifestyle playing on repeat lol! The only things that totally strucked me it's math and other school stuff. It has gona up to a much higher level and I fear that I might not be able to cope with it. Scary eh? It's streaming year so who knows what difficult stuff they might make us do. Especially math, I'm already half killed by it. I do hope things turn out to be better soon, or i might not be able to get into a good class next year. Seirously, i need help with killer math!!
Forking = Fuck x Forks
Forking = Fucking with Forks
7:15 PM