Friday, April 17, 2009
After the day when I went to Paul's church, I feel totally recharged and was touched by the message of the Lord. It was about the blessing, how we all need the blessing from God. It was totally awesome, how Jacob's (from Genesis) life changed when he got blessed. God was always with him all the time. As for Esau, he went to marry a Canaanite women even though his father Isaac told him not to, because he could not be bothered. He originally was getting the big blessing from his father but Jakob cheated his father and so the father think Jakob was Esau and gave him the blessing.
After the services I felt that my relationship with God have strengthen. It's like how Lord planned this for me so that I can understand more about the law and the blessings. I thank Father God for bringing me this blessing during the days of Jesus' great sacrifise.
I just went for the choir SYF central judging, I hope that we would win this competition.. o.o
2:59 PM
Thursday, April 9, 2009
It's good Friday tomorrow and my good friend Paul, invited me to his church tomorrow for the event. I'll be going to his church tomorrow evening and hopefully the other friends he invited will be going too! I'm really happy about good Friday because it's a special day that we can come together and pray.
We all know what good Friday is, but it's more than that to me. It's a day that I would fall on my knees and pray to God that He would forgive our sins and let us live a new life once again. And pray for His blessings would fall upon all of us. It's a wonderful day. Not only that, I also canot wait for Easter to come. We will talk more about it some day else. I hope you guys will have an awesome good Friday and may God bless you always!
You should read Joseph's story in the bible, the book of Genesis. It's awesome how God was with him all the time. See how God loves all of us... ♥
6:46 PM