Wednesday, May 20, 2009

People say life is full of meanings, it's wonderful to live... Full of love and more positive stuff... Well, to me... Life is none other than years and years of tortures, happiness, sadness, love and hate... You will feel all these depending on how long you live.
To me, death is just a simple fullstop of everything that you have done when you're alive. It is nothing but an end to all the agony and pain. Sometimes we cry and feel pitty for the person who have died, but why? Is it because he have just lost all of his cash? Or is it because he is nothing but a person that you cannot let go of? But you know... I would feel happy for him. I would feel glad that his pain have ended.
14 years of tears and 14 years of anger... Somehow I have pulled through all of this, but what is my reason to live? I have realised that I have more reason to die than to live. I find that everything here is just temperary, nothing lasts forever. All my life, I have wondered so long... What is the reason for life to take place in me? Should I delete my existance.. Or should I go on and live through this torturous life?
Friendships and love, crushes and lust... Knowledge and skill... Are we suppose to take all these when we leave? Are there such friends who loves and cares about you, knows how you feel all the time and helps you get up when you fall? Is there such love which lasts forever? Am I too naive, or am I too young to ask of these questions?
But yet everything I ask fits nicely into the cycle of life... This 14 years of torture, this 14 years of pain... Is it true that I have more reason to die than to live? Maybe it is... Maybe it is...
7:02 PM