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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Unexpected Guilt

There was a girl name Meeka, a pretty girl, but just a little bit different from the rest of the students in the school. Her hair was raven black and as smooth as fine silk. Her eyes were as innocent as those of an angel, and her body was just irresistable. Despite all of that, and despite the fact that she seemed like a perfect girlfriend to boys, she was born with something missing, her intelligence. Her appearence may be like a regular fifteen year-old teenage, but her brain never worked like one. Deep down, she was just a five year-old kid. She was an easy prey with many predators stalking her, watching her, ready to pounce on her anytime. No one could blame her, she was just born like that.

One of those 'predators' would of course be me and my gang of two more people, Thomas and Luke. Back then we were the older kids in school, the stronger ones, but the ones who were in the weakest class of all. We were an immature bunch, playing pranks on poor Meeka and tricking her for our own entertainment. We never expected that anything dangerous would happen, we didn't even think once about the consequences that might be fatal. After all, we were just teenagers, we were still young.

It all happened on that fateful day, when Meeka was wandering around near the gate of the school at around noon after being dismissed from the class for 'special' students. It was a ritual for us to play a little prank on her after school, and we all looked forward to it. Behind the great bricked wall was our usual 'meeting spot', where we squatted down in a small circle devising a sinister plan to prank Meeka. We stared at each other, drew all sorts of strange diagrams on the sand, and thought for a long, long time. "Hey Felix, what about we use THAT thing to scare her?" asked Luke with a big grinn spreaded across his pimply face. I hesitated for a while, then, the most awesome of all ideas that I had ever came up with struck me! It was so brilliant that it sent a shiver of excitement down my spine. I nudged Thomas to grab his attention and explained the great plan to both of them. Then we went up to Meeka.

"Hey Meeka, want to play with us? We have something good to show you." I said, smiling while the two boys are giggling away behind.

"What thing... Uh... No you always t-trick me and-"

"No NO! We are... Uhh... Going to play with you and give you a big lollipop!" Luke interupted hastily.

"Yeah! A BIG lollipop!" Thomas added.

"Lollipop? Okay!" Meeka meekly agreed as the boys and I smirked at each other.

All three of us walked her down the street to a place where hardly anyone goes to. There were old, wrecked, deserted warehouses sprawled everywhere, a perfect place to prank her and run away with no one looking and criticizing us. There beside that little white shed, I planted Meeka beside it and told her to wait there untill the boys and I return with the "Item". She nodded like an obedient child as we turned and walked away to another ruined shed, where we kept all the "items" safely. While we were strolling and chuckling, I noticed a fat man wearing a tattered singlet hiding behind a bush. I thought that he was just taking a pee so I ignored him.

We grabbed a small pail of slimy toads and headed back to where Meeka was. The thought of her screaming in fear, and running away makes me titter. Suddenly, there was a shriek from nearby, it sounded just like Meeka. We hurried to the white shed where she was waiting but there was no longer anyone around. My smile soon faded away as I remembered that fat guy I saw, then wild thoughts of Meeka being tortured or murdered soon filled my head. Then, there was another scream, a scream for help.

"Hey it's coming from that warehouse there!" yelled Thomas.

We dashed towards the house and forced the doors open. There the fat man I saw scrambled away anxiously through the other exit. There Meeka laid on the cold concrete floor unconciously. There was blood smudged between her thighs and her skirt, she had been raped. "Oh my God, we're in deep trouble! They'll say it's our fault! What to do?!" Luke nervously exclaimed.

"Call the ambulance." I demanded.


"I said call!" I bellowed, and looked furiously at them and blaming myself inwardly.

She was sent away to the hospital a moment later, and we were eventually punnished heavily. Our parents were called up, and were almost expelled from the school. Even with all those, there was nothing more our parents could say to us. After all, we were just kids, we couldn't learn the easy way, we had to experience it the hard way.

We went to visit Meeka in the hospital two days later. Her mother was beside her, reading a book to dear Meeka, who was her only daughter. Thomas and Luke, and I felt extremely regretful at that very moment, we couldn't bring ourself to face the mother. We walked in silently with our heads hanging, hiding our faces and all the shame. I handed Meeka a colorful lollipop and all of us said "I'm sorry" in harmony. As I raised my head slowly, Meeka smiled sweetly and mouthed a few words to us.

"Meeka lost her voice due to the trauma. She says thank you." explained her mother, sobbing.

Stunned by her words, I couldn't utter a single thing to Meeka. The boys and I bowed our heads once again as we felt ourselves flooded with tears and misery.

9:16 PM

Friday, December 25, 2009

Trapped In A Dark Tower III

The long bricked corridor which led to another door with a strong, dark aura surrounding it. A loud eerie creek pierced through the silence as the door moved open by itself. The other side of the opening was an unsightly trail of bones and skeletons lying along the ancient staircase. The absence of sound showed no life in this place and the air around me was nothing but the smell of death.

"These are caused by Shades. They suck the life out of you to amplify their dark powers and lengthen their lives. It looks like there are many of them here... The light will attract them." My partner, the man who freed me from the Thousand-Year Seal put out the flame torch as he spoke. Until now I till don't know his name, he wouldn't tell me.

We went up the steep steps quietly and carefully in the dense darkness, hoping not to bump into one of those Shades that he spoke about. Not a sound was heard in this place, our breaths and footsteps are the only noises echoing through this endless passage of steps. Suddenly, I felt an evil presence behind me, it was hungry and I could feel my heart beat faster by the second. I turned around quickly, but there was nothing there.

"Whats wrong?" he asked softly as I stared into the darkness, trying to see if it was a monster. Then, a skull of an animal rolled down the steps from the far top end of the staircase. My partner quickly lit up the flame torch with his power and shouted, "Run! They're coming for us!" A dark spirit with a black hood covering its face appeared. It was the same presence I felt before, the dark trail of aura followed its back as it drifted towards me.

It reached out its old scrawny looking, translucent hand towards my face as my heart pumped faster. I could feel my life force slowly weakening as it neared me. My legs were still, they wouldn't move at all, it was as if they are rooted in the ground by a spell. Desperate to escape, my partner waved the torch in its face and it backed off a little, giving me a chance to make a dash.

The Shade was furious and summoned more of those spirits as we ran up the impossibly long stairway. The shades were fast, they constantly caught up to us but the only thing that was separating them from us is the little torch that my partner was holding. Finally we reached the top end, and it was yet another old antic door.

He went up first and kicked the door open that led us to an empty room with another yet another door to break. The flame of the torch became smaller and the light became dimmer as we scrambled across the room. The number of shades increased dramatically, and they were all thirsty for our souls. It was hard to break the door now, since there was a magic talisman embedded on the hard wood.

"Hurry, draw your sword and destroy that door!" I screamed as the dark shades floated nearer to us. "I'm not powerful enough to break this curse, it's all up to you now, only you can break this door!" His voice was firm and his unwavering eyes were looking into mine as if he was telling me that he trusts me. Some how, I have seen them before, those beautiful eyes that could see right through my heart. "I believe in you!"

My memories were still locked away, but nevertheless I faced the door and drew my sword. I closed my eyes and everything became black. I could hear my own heart beating and a single voice mumbling something in my head. I tried to catch what it was saying, but it was soft and gentle. It felt almost like it was my own sword who was talking. I focused more on my sword, and the low murmurs grew louder slowly.

A single white light appeared in my head, and it shown brightly just like the sun. The light grew larger as the murmurs became louder, the strange power within me burst forth as my eyes opened. A blindingly bright, white aura emitting from my sword lightened up the entire room. the shades backed off and merged themselves into the shadows to avoid the beaming glow.

The sound of my sword rang inside me, "Fight!" as I charged forth. I raised the sword and slashed the cursed talisman apart, followed by a huge force of wind and light shattering the door into uncountable pieces. The glow faded as I fell on my knees, with my body exhausted from that attack. Across the doorway I could see the light of the dawning sun shining through a window.

The shades reappeared behind as soon as I sheathed my sword. They flew towards us quickly, attempting to devour our vital force, but my partner grabbed my arm and sprinted to the opening. "Do you believe in me?" He asked calmly and held me in his arms as he leaped out of the window. "You are free now and I will be your proctor forever... My name is... ..."

2:52 PM

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Alright so this is my first journal entry in this website.. HURRAY! Well I'm just gonna make this quick and simple.. Cause I just returned from camp, more like i fell sick cause I couldn't sleep for a night so I ran home. LOL! But well I'm not all that evil so I decided that I'll return tomorrow (if I recover).

About the stories that I wrote, well.. It may seem like I don't have anymore to write but thats not it. I do have a hell lot of stuff to write, and they are all long stories.. Cause the dreams were long.. (12 hours of sleep since it's the holiday so yeah.. LOL) And I'm on holiday mode so I'm feel damn lazy and thats why I take a LONG time to write those out. Plus, I only write when I'm in the mood.

Well, just hopefully I get the awesome urge to write them out soon, and I shall work on finishing 'Trap In The Dark Tower lll'. Please wait for that, cause it's the juicy part of the story HAHA! Thanks for reading~


7:53 PM


The story of my life, may be true and may be faulse. It's up to you to read and find out. My soul has been sealed within your eyes...
Period | Music Upload

It's Me

Angel is my name. I shall leave no mercy on those who break my laws in this land. I see through your eyes, I feel through your hands, none of your actions can escape me. Bare in mind that I will remember you when you leave...


Burce Lee
Miss Lee
Yong Lin
Miss Kang
Qing Yee


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